I haven’t seen many (any?) films from Thailand, but this one has apparently been a “runaway hit” in East Asia, so I thought I’d give it a go. The tale feels somewhat familiar, but it is a pleasant little family flick. The story, as the title gives away, is about a grandmother and her kids and grandkids, one of whom sets his sights on her inheritance and decides to take care of her after a cancer diagnosis to get on her good side. You can guess how that goes, but it is a fun, though a tad long, ride to the sweet ending.

M (Putthipong “Billkin” Assaratanakul) is a young man more interested in spending hours in front of his computer screen trying to attract enough viewers to make money than to participate in family gatherings. But after a close cousin of his who has taken care of an uncle is left a house in the will, an idea is hatched. And when Grandma is diagnosed with cancer, he springs into action.

M moves in with her to take care of her, but he isn’t the only one looking at her house and money. M’s uncle is the ne’er do well son who has outstanding debts, and even the “successful” son is looking to sway Grandma. And Grandma knows just what they are all doing and isn’t falling for any of it.

Yes, M is scheming, but he and Grandma do eventually bond and if you don’t cry near the end, I’d be shocked.  This is a sweet family drama with some strong performances. I suspect that if you are from an East Asian family you will recognize a lot of the family dynamics.

How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies will be in theaters soon, but will be just as good streaming when it arrives later on Netflix.

In theaters Sept 13

In Thai and Chinese with subtitles

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