Daniel Day-Lewis is the real reason to see Lincoln. He is without doubt the best actor on the planet. He doesn't act -- he becomes. All the portrayals of Lincoln…
Daniel Day-Lewis is the real reason to see Lincoln. He is without doubt the best actor on the planet. He doesn't act -- he becomes. All the portrayals of Lincoln…
I read all the books, okay?? So yeah – I absolutely had to see this thing through to the end. So there! I did it! I watched, and survived, all…
I am sure that most of you have heard of or read or watched The Hunger Games by now, but when it came out on the screen, I read a…
Yes, the story is somewhat different. But it’s also kinda the same. And therein lies the rub. There’s nothing wrong with the Spider-Man reboot – it just doesn’t need to…
People Like Us will have to fight for attention and word of mouth. But it's a very satisfying departure from the loud, crazy, crude, animated, 3D, superhero, star-studded or simply…
There are movies that only the British seem capable of pulling off, populated with non-caricatured older people who have depth and interesting stories to tell. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel…
At last check, The Lucky One had a rather unlucky 21% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. I think that’s a little harsh. Sure, the movie is pure, unadulterated chickflick-romantic-drama-sap with a…
May the odds be ever in your favor. Odds are, if that means anything to you at all, then this review is totally irrelevant – you’re going to see The…
Salmon Fishing in the Yemen may sound like a boring documentary, but it’s actually a rather charming chick flick that will likely need strong word of mouth to expand its…
This movie has all kind of things going for it -- a well-written script, beautifully paced, interesting visual themes, even great performances all around, but seriously! If you are of…
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is a so-so drama that fails to rise above its extremely long and forgetful title. It may appeal to those who read the book, liked…
What an odd little film! Every few years a gender switching film comes along and everyone gets excited about it (Linda Hunt in The Year of Living Dangerously, Hilary Swank…
Michael Fassbender has been one extremely prolific actor this year, first as the arrogant Mr. Rochester in Jane Eyre, then playing Magneto in X-men: First Class, then as the tortured…
A boy and his horse are at the center of this Steven Spielberg family drama, adapted from the Tony winning stage play, which was an adaptation of a children's book.…
It’s a good thing Matt Damon didn’t succumb to warnings about working with children and animals. Because without Matt Damon, We Bought a Zoo could have been really lame. Instead,…